Assess Your Candidate’s Skills in a Virtual Interview like a Pro!

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The advent of COVID-19 has put real stress on companies as they try to figure out how to work remotely. Businesses have been affected for sure, but that doesn’t mean everything has to come to a standstill. What this time has shown us, however, is that remote working can be a cost-effective and smarter way of working.

While the world would not function the same way post coronavirus, it has opened new vistas in the field of recruitment and talent assessment, remotely. What largely remains in hindsight is to see if companies are ready to take the plunge and hire freshers beyond the conventional settings of a workplace. Let’s find out!

Remote Hiring - Yay or Nay?

We will be honest with you – we love the concept of remote hiring, and well, so do others! CoSo Cloud reveals as many as 77% of employees feel more productive while working in a remote setup. And more than 72% of talent professionals agree that remote working will be a crucial factor to consider in HR and recruitment.

While remote hiring does rule out the scope of one-on-one physical interaction, there are enough tools to schedule an online video interview making communication seamless with a candidate.

Why Do Recruiters Shy Away From The Prospect of Remote Interviews?

We all know the role of interviews and excellent communication is an integral part of recruiting, but what makes or breaks the deal is skill assessment tests. Hiring remote professionals implies them working from a foreign environment and working beyond your supervision, many times, in different time zones too.

This is why you must assess if the prospective candidate is suited to the role, and which can only be achieved with a test. Companies shy away from remote hiring because of this one aspect, as they can’t control factors the practice of unethical ways online such as plagiarism and code re-checking in these cases.

And, this isn’t even scratching the surface, though!

There are still gaps in the hiring process when it comes to remote hiring. One of the key aspects being real-time talent screening and being able to proctor or invigilate a written test.

This hit-and-error method results in companies hiring not just the wrong candidate but an incompetent one. A lot of precious resources will have to be spent on training a lackluster candidate, and this can put a burden on the company. This also results in recruiters having to think of innovative ways to avoid this from happening.

What's The Way Out?

The way to solve this problem, as with any other one, is to plug the gap between monitoring online interview tests and least human interaction. This may sound complicated, but it is quite simple!

Technology has evolved to the extent that recruiters can predict accurately if a candidate indulges in malpractice even in an online test. Here’s what you can do to ensure your remote hiring process can enjoy a new lease of life-

  • Better remote trust on candidates:  Eliminate online cheating effectively with the help of video remote proctoring methods. The online proctoring can analyze tab-change, candidate’s eye movements, and also runs a plagiarism-check once the test is completed. Code replay also scourges the net for any plagiarism in code online tests.
  • Remote troubleshooting for candidates:  You can efficiently interact with candidates if any troubleshooting case arises. The software alerts the necessary invigilator to get actively involved when needed.
  • Real-time alerts: A video feed of all the candidates taking the test is relayed in real-time to the recruiter. Receive necessary notifications as well in any event of violation or cheating.

Ready To Conduct Virtual Interview?

These advanced tools are some of the best ways for you to go forth and recruit the right candidates. Technological advancements allow recruiters to properly proctor any test and accurately assess candidates on their critical thinking component, which is key to the success of hiring the right candidate.

Consider WeCP to ace talent screening in a remote interview and check out their many other recruiting features and set a precedent when it comes to hiring. Schedule a demo with WeCP.

Abhishek Kaushik
Co-Founder & CEO @WeCP

Building an AI assistant to create interview assessments, questions, exams, quiz, challenges, and conduct them online in few prompts

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