It was supposed to be another year for universities, with regular placements and the usual procedures followed for assessing candidates. That was until COVID-19 struck. The inactivity of any kind led to a deterioration of the economy, and worse – companies withdrawing offer letters and delaying the joining date for eligible candidates.
However, every dark cloud comes with a silver lining! While this pandemic led to lesser campus hiring in 2020, it also allowed companies to go forth and test out different ways to assess candidates. Unique problems lead to unique solutions where recruiters, too, are resorting to new approaches to screen candidates online.
Recruitment In Times Of COVID
The coronavirus will directly impact the loss of 25 million employees worldwide. They either lose their jobs or get furloughed, and companies are working overtime to align their remote working possibilities with their goals. If you’re working in the recruitment sector, you’d have already been briefed that remote interviews are the way forward.
Here’s how you can deal with the absence of onsite campus visits to your university and still try to make the most of your recruiting processes –

Virtual hiring – That’s the solution, and it’s time to bring out your best technical screening abilities to the computer screen now. Take a leaf out of many other companies that have already drawn up and streamlined their online interviewing processes.
Another reason why virtual hiring is going to be the new norm is because of its cost-effectiveness. It also saves time as each starting interview can be brief, and recruiters can conduct multiple discussions at the same time. The same candidate can be called for numerous rounds, with notifications on follow-up interview timings sent to them immediately after deciding. All you’ll need is a good internet connection and a video platform, and you’re good to go.
If the traditional norm of recruitment was your thing, transitioning to a virtual platform can be challenging. But now you can take the help of virtual recruitment software platforms that effectively conduct an almost real-life simulation of interviews.
It’s all the better to start trialing online interviews because it’s only a matter of time before they become a mandate.
Deploying the right online assessment tools – Online assessment tools can be a boon and can genuinely ease the process of assessing potential candidates. After screening a potential candidate’s resume, you need to conduct a talent assessment that can map out the skills required for a role.
Conventionally, most recruiters skip this altogether and would hire employees with the basic soft skills needed for the job. And this is why close to 80% of turnover in companies is due to poor recruitment.
Owing to the seismic shift in the way we do business, companies need to look at candidates who have cross-functional abilities and can upskill talent. Using smart online assessment tools to assess these factors can not only make the recruitment process efficient but also let you achieve quality candidates with a high employee retention rate.
What makes skill test assessment a viable criterion is its effectiveness to gauge a candidate’s skill set precisely, with a series of questions and mock tests. It can also test the productivity levels required for a job profile and help filter candidates who are more deserving of the role.
Make the hiring process fun – A lot of B2B companies hold mass recruitment drives that follow a set pattern, which can lead to dull and tedious interviewing procedures – for both you and the candidate. The best way to solve this? Conduct a hackathon instead of a coding test online.
If you’re screening for talent and productivity in technical roles, then a hackathon is the best way to go forward. Hiring candidates through virtual hackathons allows you to assess the KRAs of a candidate and their core competencies.
Thus, virtual platforms are the way to go forward, and they’ve become a suitable and accessible method to get the best talent for your company.
Ready for hiring quality candidates?
Consider WeCP’s talent assessment platform that allows for unbiased, effective, and ultimately rewarding interviews – all you have to do is align your processes with their remote interview software.
Hire the best candidates through technical screening using our platform WeCP and with technical recruiting experts at your service 24/7. Schedule a demo with WeCP.