What is Video Assessment? Everything You Need To Know

Explore what is video assessment, who can use it, its types, benefits, how video-based assessment works, and ways to add video assessments to your remote hiring process.
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Technology has changed the face of the recruitment industry, what with using various assessment tools for the hiring process. When the world was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual technology was a boon for all businesses.

These instances progressed further in the form of video assessments, where hiring managers incorporated the usage of video tools to assess candidates.

A study claimed that 82% of employers now benefit from virtual interviews while 93% plan to apply these tools in the future. With the right interviewing platform not only proves to be beneficial but also easy to implement.

What is Video Assessment?

Video assessments in simple terms are virtual tests or questions given to candidates who then reply by sending their video recording of answers. These answers are then evaluated by the recruiters, judging based on their performance, as well as the skills required for the particular job. 

Although resumes are the basic medium used to screen a candidate during a job interview, a recruiter may not gain knowledge of that candidate’s personality and soft skills via a paper. Therefore, technology has made this process of hiring candidates a much simpler and easy-to-understand one.

Also, with the uncertain pandemic and economic times, remote working has given a chance for candidates to apply for jobs without going to the office. Recruiters have made use of this technology in the form of video assessments or virtual interviews.  

“Recruiting leaders are caught between the sourcing and hiring plans that were initiated before the COVID-19 outbreak and the rise in uncertainty and social and economic instability,” said Lauren Smith, vice president of the Gartner HR practice. “As external hiring slows for many organizations and business priorities change, leaders must evaluate different methods of recruiting and hiring.” - Gartner Newsroom

Here comes the virtual technology, and recruiters must keep an open mind regarding the usage of such technologies when it comes to hiring.

Video assessments prove to be excellent tools to help in the recruitment process by not only saving time but also assessing a higher volume of candidates, thus providing a larger talent pool.

Who can use Video Assessments?

Video assessments are versatile tools that can be utilized by various individuals and organizations across different sectors. Here’s a detailed look at who can benefit from video assessments:

Recruiters and Recruitment Agencies

Video assessments are highly beneficial for recruiters and talent acquisition teams across all sectors. These tools enable recruiters to evaluate candidates without the need for in-person meetings or phone interviews.

Recruiters can easily access video assessment software from anywhere, making the hiring process more flexible and efficient. This is particularly advantageous for remote hiring, allowing recruiters to screen and assess candidates globally.

Educational Institutions

Video assessments are also valuable in the education sector. Instructors and administrators use these platforms to evaluate the performance of teachers and students.

They can gain insights into teaching methodologies, student understanding, and overall educational outcomes. By utilizing video assessments, educational institutions can ensure a more comprehensive and interactive evaluation process.

Students and Skill Development Programs

Students in various fields, such as nursing education, clinical psychology, communication, foreign languages, and teacher preparation, frequently use video assessments. These tools help students develop and demonstrate their skills in a practical and interactive manner.

For example:

  • Nursing Education: Students can record and review clinical procedures, enhancing their practical skills.
  • Clinical Psychology: Video assessments enable students to simulate therapy sessions, improving their diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
  • Foreign Languages: Students can practice and assess their language proficiency through recorded conversations and presentations.

Teachers and Researchers

Teachers use video assessment tools to record and analyze their teaching methods, facilitating self-reflection and professional development. These tools allow educators to code and review their research, helping them improve their instructional strategies. Video assessments provide a platform for teachers to share best practices and collaborate with peers.

Benefits of Video Assessments

Enhanced Hiring Results

Recruiters always look for improvements in the hiring process, and video assessments show indisputable ways to aid them. This tool reduces the cost of hiring, time-to-hire, as well as quality of hire. Along with assessing bulk candidates at a time, these assessments also provide flexibility and convenience for both the recruiter and candidates. 

Additionally, these tools provide the recruiters an insight into the candidate’s performance and thus, aid them in making informed hiring decisions, thus improving the quality of hire.

Incorporate Unbiased Evaluation

Workplace bias is a thing of the past as assessment tools are being used nowadays. Video assessments also provide the same, as the assessments and evaluations are equal and unbiased to all the candidates, thus eliminating unconscious bias from the hiring process. 

👉 Read more: 5 Ways to Reduce Unconscious Hiring Bias

Improved Candidate Experience

Candidate ghosting has become common nowadays where the candidates may drop out of the interview process at any time, resulting in an inefficient hiring process. A study reported that 33% of candidates decided to draw out of the interview because of a poor interview process while 23% had other expectations from the role. 

Using video assessments has proven to be effective in meeting the candidate's expectations. 

According to the Candidate Survey 2023 by Recright, 82.4% of candidates are satisfied with video interviews as a method. 84% of candidates recommend video interviewing in the hiring process as a recruitment method.

Candidates have the option of choosing the time to give the assessment as well as the location thus, adding advantage to these assessments. All of these assets also provide the candidate with a stress-free interview experience.

AI-Supported Insights

There are certain aspects of an interview process that not even a recruiter with a strong eye for detail can assess. Using AI-based software these missed details can be easily cleared. With WeCP, the interviewing process can be easily managed, effectively improving recruiting and upskilling needs. 

Long-Term Value

Finally, recruiters look for an efficient hiring process that has a lasting effect. Video interviews provide long-term value where the progress of the assessment can be checked over time along with the effectiveness of training and educational programs. They can further study which areas need improvement, thus, helping them to make uniform decisions leading to the growth of the organization.

Types of Video Assessments

Video Interviews

These video assessments are also called on-demand video interviews, pre-recorded video interviews, and asynchronous interviews. 

This type of assessment is flexible for both the candidates and recruiters, where a set of customized interview questions are provided and the candidates respond on their own time. Recruiters ask the candidates to video record their responses and upload them at the link provided before the end of the deadline. 

Such type of assessment is beneficial for recruiters where they send bulk invites to a large pool of candidates, and thus, becomes easy to manage interviews reducing time and money. 

Due to its flexibility, recruiters can access the pre-recorded interviews at their convenience, evaluate the candidates properly, and make informed hiring decisions.

Situational Judgement Tests

In situational judgment tests, candidates are provided with job simulations, where they are required to perform given tasks as well as engage with colleagues or customers. 

Video formats are used to give the candidates a peek into the role they are applying for. Such types of assessments help both the recruiter and candidate to attain knowledge of each other's function.

These tests can be designed to evaluate the candidate’s behavior and social skills which also play an important factor during the hiring process.

Live Screen Share

As the name suggests, live screen share assessments are interviews that are conducted in real time where the interviewers are present online while the candidates solve questions. These interviews are highly conducted (89%) as compared to asynchronous interviews (9%) because they give the hiring managers a glimpse of the candidates in action all the while checking the authenticity of the candidate’s performance. 

How Does Video-Based Assessment Work?

Video assessments do not require much except for a basic computer or a laptop with internet access, a working camera, and a microphone, to help in a smooth interview process for recruiters and candidates.

These assessments are like any other assessments, including a set of questions specifically designed by the agency suitable as per the job requirement. With a time limit included, these questions are then uploaded and the candidates answer them according to their availability.

The answers are then evaluated and analyzed, and then the recruiters, if satisfied, will go ahead with the further recruiting process. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:

Setup and Requirements:

  1. Equipment: Candidates need a computer or laptop with a functioning camera and microphone.
  2. Internet Access: A stable internet connection is essential to ensure uninterrupted video communication.

Question Design:

  1. Customized Questions: The recruiting agency designs a set of questions tailored to the specific job requirements. These questions aim to assess the candidate's skills, experience, and suitability for the role.
  2. Time Limits: Each question may have a predefined time limit to simulate real-time interview conditions and assess the candidate's ability to think on their feet.

Assessment Delivery:

  1. Uploading Questions: The prepared questions are uploaded to the assessment platform.
  2. Candidate Access: Candidates receive an invitation or link to access the video assessment platform at their convenience.

Candidate Response:

  1. Recording Answers: Candidates record their answers to the questions within the provided time limits. They can complete the assessment at a time that suits them, offering flexibility.
  2. Submission: Once all questions are answered, candidates submit their recordings for evaluation.

Evaluation and Analysis:

  1. Review Process: Recruiters review the recorded answers. They evaluate the candidates' responses based on various criteria such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, technical knowledge, and overall presentation.
  2. Feedback and Scores: Recruiters may provide scores or feedback for each response, aiding in a comprehensive assessment.

Next Steps:

  1. Further Interviews: If the candidate's performance meets the recruiter's expectations, they may be invited for further interviews, which could be in-person, additional video calls, or other formats.
  2. Decision Making: The final hiring decisions are made based on the combined results of the video assessment and any subsequent interviews.

Video-based assessments are a modern, efficient method for evaluating job candidates. They offer flexibility for candidates and streamlined evaluation for recruiters, making the hiring process more efficient and effective. By utilizing basic technology, these assessments provide a comprehensive overview of a candidate's potential, aiding in making informed hiring decisions.

How to Add Video Assessments to Your Remote Hiring Process

Video assessments are a valuable tool for recruiters seeking to hire candidates remotely. However, integrating video assessments effectively requires careful planning and consideration. Here’s how to enhance your remote hiring process with video assessments:

Set Defined and Attainable Goals

When incorporating video assessments, it’s crucial for recruiters to have a clear understanding of their hiring objectives. Establishing specific goals and metrics is essential. For instance, recruiters should aim to identify potential candidates within a set timeframe.

Additionally, align these goals with your overall hiring strategy and talent objectives. This clarity will help streamline the recruitment process and ensure that video assessments are used effectively.

Establish a Purpose for Implementing Video Assessments

Before introducing video assessments into your remote hiring process, ensure you have a clear purpose. Implementing video assessments without a strategic plan can lead to inefficiencies. Develop a detailed plan outlining the key traits, skills, and competencies required for the role.

This will guide the creation of relevant questions and ensure that the assessments are aligned with your hiring needs. Having a purpose will enhance the effectiveness of video assessments and make them a valuable part of your recruitment strategy.

Continuously Measure the Effectiveness of Video Assessments

Once video assessments are in place, it’s essential to regularly evaluate their performance. Monitor the outcomes to determine if they are meeting your hiring goals. Track metrics such as candidate engagement, the quality of responses, and the success rate of hires.

Use this data to assess whether the assessments are effectively identifying the right candidates. Regularly reviewing and refining the assessment process, based on feedback and performance data, will help you enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your remote hiring process.

Additional Tips for Optimizing Video Assessments

  • Ensure Technical Compatibility: Verify that the assessment platform is compatible with various devices and browsers to avoid technical issues for candidates.
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Make sure candidates understand the process and what is expected of them. Clear instructions can improve the quality of responses.
  • Incorporate Diverse Question Types: Use a mix of question formats, such as situational, behavioral, and technical questions, to get a comprehensive view of the candidates’ abilities.
  • Solicit Candidate Feedback: After completing the assessments, gather feedback from candidates to identify areas for improvement in the process.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate video assessments into your remote hiring process, enhancing your ability to attract and select top talent efficiently.


In summary, video assessment tools are a gift for the entire talent acquisition process. They accomplish all the requirements such as reducing time-to-hire, being cost-effective, improving the quality of hire, and attaining bias-free hiring needed for an effective hiring process. 

With the uncertain economic and fluctuating impact of the pandemic, virtual technology has become necessary. Therefore, video assessments have come in handy at such times, and are the perfect tool to achieve the objective of the hiring process. 

Among the various platforms that provide these tools, WeCP is ahead. With its live whiteboard coding interviews, it also provides the option of conducting asynchronous or live screen share type of video assessments that are easy to implement. Thus, easily compatible assessments that are easy to use are found all in one channel i.e. WeCP.

Abhishek Kaushik
Co-Founder & CEO @WeCP

Building an AI assistant to create interview assessments, questions, exams, quiz, challenges, and conduct them online in few prompts

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