Employee Profiling - Everything You Need To Know About

Employee profiling lets you understand your employees at a deeper level, and with this understanding you can appropriately engage your employees.
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Are you a recruiter or a business owner, always trying to find fitting employees for the organization? If you are always trying to find talented and enduring employees, employee profiling is the step to take.

According to a Quantum Workplace report, formal employee recognition, which is a part of efficient employee profiling results in a 31% reduction in voluntary employee turnover. Employees serve as the backbone of any organization, steering its success and molding its identity.

Understanding the intricacies of these individuals – their unique strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and behaviors – stands as a pivotal aspect of effective management. This necessity underscores the significance of employee profiling.

Employee Profiling lets you understand your employees at a deeper level, and with this understanding you can appropriately engage your employees. According to a research study by Jim Harter at Gallup, engaged employees result in:

  • 21% increase in Profitability
  • 17% improvement in Productivity
  • 20% more development of Sales
  • 10% greater customer satisfaction

Throughout this article, we will simplify the complexities surrounding employee profiling and unearth its potential to transform your workplace into a more cohesive, productive, and triumphant environment.

Only have a few minutes to spare? Jump straight to any section:

👉 What is Employee Profiling?
👉 Types of Employee Profiling
👉 Benefits of Employee Profiling
👉 How to do Employee Profiling?

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What is Employee Profiling?

Employee profiling, commonly known as workforce or talent profiling, constitutes a strategic method adopted by organizations to attain an extensive understanding of their workforce. It operates as a systematic process encompassing the assessment and analysis of various facets of an employee's personality, behavior, skills, and capabilities.

The primary objective is to construct a detailed profile that imparts valuable insights into an individual's work style, communication preferences, motivational catalysts, strengths, and potential areas for development.

Employee Profiling is Not Mere Categorizing 

Contrary to certain misconceptions, employee profiling is not geared toward labeling or rigidly categorizing employees into predefined boxes. Instead, its essence lies in recognizing and valuing the unique attributes and potential inherent in each individual within the organization.

It acknowledges that every employee represents a distinctive amalgamation of skills, experiences, and perspectives, which, when effectively harnessed, contribute to organizational success.

Employee Profiling Spans Employee Lifecycle

In the domain of human resource management, employee profiling assumes a pivotal role across various processes, including recruitment, team formation, performance management, employee development, and succession planning.

For instance, during the recruitment phase, profiling proves instrumental in identifying candidates possessing required skills while aligning with the organization's culture. In team building, a grasp of team members' profiles aids in crafting well-balanced, high-performing teams, capitalizing on individual strengths and compensating for weaknesses.

Employee profiling extends its impact to performance management and employee development. Understanding an employee's strengths and areas for improvement empowers managers to furnish personalized feedback and tailor development plans to align with individual needs. This dual approach not only elevates an employee's performance but also contributes significantly to personal growth and job satisfaction.

Employee profiling emerges as a potent instrument for cultivating self-awareness, championing diversity, nurturing effective communication, and fostering the formation of high-performing teams. Its essence lies in leveraging the inherent potential of the human workforce to cultivate a workplace environment characterized by positivity, productivity, and inclusivity.

Types of Employee Profiling

Employee profiling unfolds as a diverse process, divisible into various types, each highlighting distinct aspects of an individual's attributes. Here, we delineate the prevalent types of employee profiling:

Skills Profiling

Skills profiling centers on pinpointing an individual's skills, capabilities, and expertise. It proves particularly beneficial in recruitment, aligning candidates with job prerequisites. Additionally, it aids in career development planning, guiding employees to recognize their strengths and areas for improvement.

Skills profiling is crucial to an organization in order to evaluate its future trajectory based on an ever evolving technological environment and the dynamic set of skills employees are required to have in order to operate in it.

According to PwC, over 4,000 organizations found that one of the most significant challenges they face is identifying the skills employees will need in the future due to changing technology.

Skills profiling can be performed through the traditional approaches of interviews, assessments, etc. These may be time consuming and ineffective in adequately gauging an individual’s technical strengths and weaknesses. WeCP has developed an AI powered, automated and dynamic tool to aid recruiters and managers through this process and deliver appropriate insights relevant to a specific job role and its requirements.

Behavioral Profiling

Behavioral profiling endeavors to comprehend an individual's behavior, especially within a work setting. It scrutinizes how an individual reacts to diverse situations, their decision-making processes, and their aptitude for problem-solving. Common tools for behavioral profiling include the DISC assessment.

Competency Profiling

Competency profiling delves into identifying and gauging an individual's competencies - encompassing knowledge, skills, and behaviors contributing to their performance. This type of profiling frequently features in selection, performance management and succession planning strategies.

Competencies can be assessed over a period of time, which may not always be an option for companies looking to hire new, promising talent. WeCP can aid in identifying & developing competencies through longitudinal programs as it has done for UST. Through using WeCP, UST managed to transform candidates into skill-mapped, project-ready talent

Personality Profiling

Personality profiling employs methods to grasp an individual's character traits. It yields insights into how an individual is inclined to behave across diverse scenarios, their favored working style, and their interpersonal interactions. Tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five personality traits find frequent application in this profiling domain.

Psychometric Profiling

Psychometric profiling deploys standardized tests to gauge an individual's mental capabilities and behavioral style. These tests offer insights into cognitive abilities, motivations, and personality traits.

Each type of employee profiling offers distinctive insights, and serves different purposes. However, their effectiveness is increased when employed together, furnishing a comprehensive understanding of an individual.

What Are The Ultimate Benefits of Employee Profiling?

Employee profiling offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of an organization’s human resource management.

Elevated Recruitment and Selection

The implementation of employee profiling significantly elevates the recruitment and selection process. By providing a thorough understanding of the ideal personality traits, skills, and behaviors for a specific role, HR professionals can make insightful decisions in candidate selection. This results in an improved job fit, heightened employee performance, and a decrease in turnover.

According to a research study at Zippia:

  • Average job vacancy costs a company $98 per day
  • Best candidates go off the market in about 10 days
  • 60% of the candidates quit in the middle of selection process due to irrelevance

Employee profiling can help a company avoid such negatives by developing a clear understanding about the job role, for the company recruiters.

Augmented Team Building

A profound understanding of diverse personalities and skills within a team can greatly enhance team-building efforts. Employee profiling empowers managers to construct well-balanced teams where each member's strengths are maximized, and weaknesses are counterbalanced. This, in turn, fosters improved team dynamics, encourages collaboration, and boosts overall team performance. Employee Profiling allows pairing of the right employees together, corporate team building statistics confirm that employee satisfaction increases by up to 50% when surrounded by friendly colleagues.

Tailored Employee Development

Employee profiling serves as a font of valuable insights for employee development. By grasping an employee's strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, managers can customize development programs to cater to individual needs. This personalized approach not only advances skill development but also amplifies job satisfaction and increases employee engagement. Gallup suggests that highly engaged employees see a reduction in absenteeism by 41% and experience a 17% increase in productivity.

Efficient Conflict Resolution

Employees engaged in conflict are 12% less efficient. Conflicts are an inevitable part of any workplace. Nevertheless, with the aid of employee profiling, managers can gain a clearer understanding of the diversity in personalities within their team, thereby facilitating effective management and efficient resolution of conflicts.

Strategic Succession Planning

Employee profiling emerges as a valuable asset in the realm of succession planning. An active succession plan can prove to be a great employee motivator, Hireology reiterates a report by Software Advice which states that 94% of the HR personnel are of the belief that succession plans improve employee engagement. By identifying the skills and potential of employees, organizations can strategically plan for future leadership roles, ensuring a seamless transition when a key employee departs.

Developed Employee Engagement

When employees feel understood and valued, their engagement levels tend to soar. Employee profiling becomes instrumental in providing organizations with a profound understanding of their workforce, resulting in increased recognition, elevated job satisfaction, and heightened employee engagement. According to GLINT, organizations with engaged employees outperform competitors by 200%!

Employee profiling stands as a robust tool that makes available numerous advantages to an organization. From refining recruitment processes and amplifying team performance to tailoring employee development and efficiently resolving conflicts, employee profiling proves to be a multifaceted asset. However, it remains paramount to conduct employee profiling ethically and responsibly, with due regard for individual privacy and diversity.

How to do Employee Profiling?

Implementing employee profiling in an organization involves a systematic process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Clarify the Objective

Initiating employee profiling begins with a clear definition of its purpose. Are you seeking to refine your recruitment procedures, optimize team interactions, or create tailored training initiatives? Your intended goal will direct the specific type of profiling needed.

Step 2: Select Appropriate Tools

A myriad of tools exist for employee profiling, spanning from personality assessments to skills evaluations. The tool choice hinges on the profiling objective. For instance, if delving into employees' personalities is the aim, tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) might be suitable. If the focus is on skills and competencies, opting WeCP for a skills assessment tool is more fitting.

WeCP’s array of assessment solutions covers skills evaluation, behavioral profiling, and more. These tools are meticulously crafted to furnish precise, impartial, and intricate profiles of your workforce.

Step 3: Execute the Profiling

After selecting the appropriate tools, the subsequent step involves the actual profiling. This might encompass test administration, conducting interviews, or observing employees. It is imperative to ensure that the process adheres to ethical standards and is conducted with the consent of the employees involved.

Step 4: Analyze the Outcomes

The ensuing step entails analyzing the outcomes. This includes deciphering the data and extracting meaningful insights. It is crucial to bear in mind that the results of employee profiling are not rigid labels but tools facilitating a more effective understanding and management of individuals.

Step 5: Apply the Insights

The final stride is the application of insights gleaned from the profiling. This may involve tweaking recruitment strategies, restructuring teams, or devising personalized training initiatives. The objective is to leverage the insights for the enhancement of your organization's human resource management.

Tools to Aid your Efforts

Within the realm of employee profiling, a myriad of tools is at organizations' disposal, aiding in the acquisition of crucial insights about their workforce. This array of tools spans from personality assessments to skills tests and behavioral analysis tools. Below are some widely employed employee profiling tools:

Skills Tests:

Employed for the evaluation of an individual's skills, abilities, and expertise, skills tests prove invaluable in the recruitment process. Tailorable to specific job role requirements, these tests serve as a crucial tool in assessing candidate suitability.

WeCP (We Create Problems) stands out as a comprehensive tool offering a range of assessments. These include skills assessment, competency profiling, and more. Purposefully designed, these tools ensure accurate, objective, and detailed profiles of candidates, streamlining the employee profiling process for seamless efficiency. 

👉 Read More: How upGrad uses WeCP's Online Assessment Platform

Personality Assessments:

Frequently used to comprehend an individual's personality type, personality assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five personality traits offer valuable insights. These tools shed light on an individual's preferred working style, their interpersonal interactions, and their problem-solving approach.

Behavioral Analysis Tools:

Tools like the DISC assessment, designed to understand an individual's behavior within a work context, provide insights into decision-making processes, responses to varied situations, and problem-solving skills.

Competency Assessments:

These are utilized to identify and gauge an individual's competencies – encompassing knowledge, skills, and behaviors contributing to performance – these assessments find application in performance management and succession planning strategies.

Psychometric Tests:

Standardized tests measuring an individual's mental capabilities and behavioral style, psychometric tests offer insights into cognitive abilities, motivations, and personality traits.


Employee profiling stands out as a potent tool, transcending conventional HR approaches and providing organizations with invaluable insights into their workforce. Whether refining recruitment processes, optimizing team dynamics, or facilitating tailored employee development, the manifold advantages of employee profiling are indisputable.

The systematic process discussed in this guide, starting from clarifying objectives to applying insights, underscores the significance of ethical and responsible profiling. As organizations navigate the dynamic landscape of human resource management, it becomes imperative to leverage the diverse range of employee recruitment tools, such as WeCP, to ensure positive initial steps to sustainable success and to cultivating a positive and engaged workplace environment.

Abhishek Kaushik
Co-Founder & CEO @WeCP

Building an AI assistant to create interview assessments, questions, exams, quiz, challenges, and conduct them online in few prompts

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